先鋒(進口) / PRODUCTS

Pioneer CDJ-2000
產品分類: 先鋒(進口)
Pioneer CDJ-2000 先鋒專業頂級打碟機
The CDJ-2000 is the ultimate technologically advanced multi-format player in the world. No matter what your media preference is, the CDJ-2000 can handle them all with great performance, reliability, and confidence. It enables playback of MP3, AAC, WAV and AIFF audio files on CD, DVD-ROM, SD card and USB memorydevices. You can also assign various buttons of the CDJ-2000 to trigger other devices, such as DJ effecters and software with MIDI mapping capability. With Pioneer’s new “Pro DJ Link” you can connect up to fourCDJ-2000’s and share a single music source from just one player. For displaying song titles, jacket art as well as detailed track information, the CDJ-2000 has a unique 6.1” Full Color LCD panel andGraphic User Interface so DJs can find information needed to select a song easily at a glance. Both the CDJ-2000 and CDJ-900 turntables include rekordbox, Pioneer’s proprietary music management software that organizes and catalogs a DJ’s entire music library. When music files are imported to rekordbox, thesoftware analyzes each file and prepares them for use specifically with the new CDJ turntables.The CDJ-2000 is the natural selection for performing DJs worldwide.
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